Little Big Voices is more than a podcast – the wider vision is to impact our world both on- and off the air.

Producing Little Big Voices is my way of creating more understanding, compassion, and empathy in our hurting world. I’ve learned through difficult periods in my life, that I can’t do it alone. Thank you for listening to my vision and invitation.

Your membership and the related dollars matter. For as little as $2/month, you’ll help support the Little Big Voices Community and projects, like buying a few of Mathew Sturtevant’s books (episode 2) to share with listeners who can’t afford it – but are having trouble coping with fear and anxiety. Or, it may help support the people living on the street in Austin to experience a day of creating and expressing art, (which you’ll hear about from a special guest in an upcoming episode). Some of your dollars may go to the guests themselves, to help support their mission or a cause close to their heart. Your financial support also helps pay for costs related to production and distribution of Little Big Voices.

In return, you’ll receive the experience of community – creating a world that makes just a little more sense by helping little and big voices in us and around us be heard. On top of that awesome feeling, you’ll receive cool gifts, exclusive content, access to live interviews, a peak behind the scenes, and most of all, the opportunity to help shape the program with your ideas and perspective. 

Thank you for listening and for your support – that means a ton in this world – and in mine.

Your voice matters,

Mark Caddell
Little Big Voices
Austin, Texas, Y’all